Emilio Espada's Projects


CS 410 | Software Development | Spring 2024

Using Agile methods and Scrum I worked with a team and a product owner to develop a website that enables event speakers to get feedback from attendees. My main focus was on front-end development using EJS, SASS, JavaScript, and API integrations. Worked as primary point of contact for the product owner and participated in Agile activities such as creating user stories, sprint planning, stand-up meetings, and sprint retrospectives.

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CS 492 | Computer Security | Spring 2024

Created a website to show knowledge of Cryptography concepts. I implemented the RSA algorithm as our public key encryption in our notes sending feature. I also implemented the Tiger Hash function for the notes sending feature.

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C Snake Game
CS 355 | Systems Programing | Spring 2024

Programmed the classic snake game in C using the curses library. Created game logic and flow and used C structs along with pointer manipulation.

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Solving Optimization Problems
CS 463 | Algorithms | Spring 2024

Research and development of solutions to known optimization problems. Developed a solution for the NP-hard Travelling Salesperson Problem using Genetic Algorithms. Developed a solution for the NP-complete 0/1 Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming.

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The Hooded Knight
CS 415 | Agile Game Development | Summer 2023

2D Dungeon Crawler made using Unity and using Agile methodology. Conceptualized and developed the game working in a group, participated in Scrum meetings and used pair programming to complete tasks.

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TicketMaster Search Engine
CS 492 | Web Programming | Fall 2023

Developed web application using Django and Python to fetch event data from the Ticketmaster API. Implemented API requests, handled responses using JSON, and saved data to SQLite database. Designed user interface using Bootstrap framework to display event listings and user's favorites.

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